Saturday, December 5, 2009

Will the weather guys get one right?

Snow in the forecast, raining now.

The question is will the weather guys actually get one right? The weather channel is already preparing a future show on the yet to happen snow storm forecast for today. Not sure there title but my suggestions are as follows: "The great storm of December 5th, 2009, that never happened....." or my favorite, " How weather changed history; Grandma got below a 1/2 gallon of milk and 8 pc's of bread but still survives."

On another note, Fox News is also hard at work on the pending storm and how the current administration is to blame. Current program direction is for a round table discussion including chicken little's caulk board diagrams.

Apologies to anyone that reads this and enjoys Fox News and their preconceived notion programing. I had to suffer through a hour of it last night while working at a home. The homeowner had it on the whole time I was there and honestly hadnt ever really listened to station that long, I unfortunately left my Ipod and headphones at the house.

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