Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Those ribs be hurting

Several days ago, in my anxious-ness to get out early in the moring I took a nice fall. Walking thought the snow down to "thing" (van) I reach the area I had shoveled the day before. I remember thinking I wonder if this is slick..... well before I got "slic...." out of my head I was on the ground. As usual I had a camera sling over my shoulder, and I landed on my side on the camera. Yes, the first thing out my mind after the fall was what did I break on the camera, which happend to be the UV filter (again). But the fall took my breath as I hit hard. Well, I have cracked, broke, damaged or all of the above the upper section of ribs on my left side. DAMN they hurt! I forgot how much ribs hurt.... done this a few times before, that is crack some ribs. Once on a bike in the woods and several times through my life playing football.
Hard to sleep, as this is the preferred side I sleep on. You how it is when you get in a habit.... If I sleep on my back, Annette tells me I snore. Well I stayed up one night and I did snore ;), LOL. Been some restless nights of sleep since then, and I am sure more to come. Ribs are a good 6 weeks healing, Great! Hard to ride the bike too, tried the trainer and it hurt when I started heavier breathing.
On to other things.....

Been working on a cool wood design over at the house I have worked so much at in Bilomore Forrest. An angular design on the walls using 4" wide flooring red oak. Its coming out pretty darn nice! Pictures soon, I have been shooting progress shots so far.

Soon to start a large design project for Day International, which should provide me several months of steady work, lets hope it leads into more! I think the timing will work out nicely with the work I have going in Biltmore Forrest, should be close to finishing it as I start the other.

Computers.... Well Joseph's laptop is down, under warranty with Best Buy. Yet another Best Buy saga, with them sending it off to repair. What is it the Geek squad does? Its the hard drive, 90% postivie which is a quick easy fix for me. My laptop started acting up, thought it was the hard drive, which I am replacing anyway. I need reliable stuff when I start drawing and a hard drive deciding to crash isnt what I need with months of data (I do back-up to an external) Plus the larger hard drive I am sticking on will allow me to dual boot Ubuntu linux, which I will use to surf abroad.

Speaking of Ubuntu, when the drive crashed on this laptop I was unable to boot into windows. I had a few things I needed, my business books, a few drawing files and thats about it. Figured I would lose that data, but I was able to load a live cd of Ubuntu (runs the os off of a cd) and access my files in the windows system. Pretty cool trick! I need to verify those files but it seemed to work just fine.

Enough typing, my hand are frost bit from sitting in Starbucks and typing and not staching them in my pocket

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