Thursday, February 11, 2010

It will take more than a plant.

Ahhh, another very cold and very windy day here in the Mtns, and another day the kids are out of school. Poor kids, no spring break and they will be going to school on Saturdays and later in the year based on the weather pattern forcing days out.

On to the big news of the day, the plant! As always I am up early and at Starbucks working and surfing. As I walk into the establishment this chilly morning I see they have placed a plant on my table. I say my table, because this is where I sit every morning. Why? Well, bigger table, I can see the door (old western thing) and its got a power outlet on the wall next to me.

Back to the plant. Guess Starbucks is making what I would say is a feeble attempt at improving their look by improving mine. Nice plant, its several cactus's or would that be catui). Are they trying to say I am dry?

Oh well it will take more than a nice cactus to knock the edge off of me.

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