Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Rare shot of myself, but the bus was worth it!

Spent the day assisting a great friend, Kristi Hedberg, in a commercial photo shoot. We shot all over town and finished up the Asheville V-Dub. V-Dub restores VW vans and the such, and you've talked to me much about cars I have this fascination with being able to sleep in the car, ie camp. So V-Dub had this HUGE ass bus, old, just downright odd, which suits me so well. Kristi squeezed off a few as I was "checking" things out.
For some odd reason Annette didnt seem as excited as I when I described the "bus"


Matt said...
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Matt said...

sounds like my kinda place, you need a tricked out v-dub

Paul said...

A Vanago bus!